From leasing, condition reports, property inspections, maintenance and payments. We have you covered every step of the way. Our PropertyMe Portal keeps you up-to-date with all aspects of your property, streamlining all requests and communication between our team, you and your Renter.
PropertyMe Portal
The PropertyMe platform has positively transformed how we communicate with our clients. The platform has created multiple efficiencies within our Property Management portfolio streamlining the end-to-end management process for both Renters and Rental Providers.
The platform allows you to:
- View a list of your managed properties
- View condition reports
- View income and expenditure reports
- View and download statements and invoices for current period and previous periods
- Summary of financial activity for your property for any given period
- Monitor maintenance requests
- Message your dedicated Property Manager
Selecting the right renters
Choosing the right Renter for your property is paramount. We conduct an extremely thorough vetting process to ensure we understand the applicant’s tenancy, employment and credit history, as well as conducting several reference checks to establish the applicant’s character and credibility. We will only put forth applicants who have passed all these criteria for your consideration.
Lease Agreement
Miles has a dedicated Support Team who ensure your lease agreement is drawn up in line with The Residential Tenancies Act. Our team ensure all legal requirements are met and are clearly explained to both you and the incoming renter. We will talk to you about any special conditions you or the renter require and will prepare a new lease once the original lease expires if both parties are willing to continue the arrangement.
Condition reports: Start and end
Prior to commencement of the tenancy, we conduct a detailed condition report of your property, this includes photography. At the end of the tenancy, we will conduct a final inspection referring to the initial report so we can identify and report any issues back to you. We also conduct inspections at the three-month mark and at (6-12M) intervals beyond this.
Rental payments
Rental payments are made monthly via electronic funds transfer into your nominated account. Income and expenditure reports are availed anytime via the PropertyMe platform.
Regular rent reviews
Rents are reviewed annually to make sure you are receiving full market rent for your property. We will initiate this process 60 days prior to the end of the current lease so that a new lease agreement can begin at the 12 month mark.
Repairs and maintenance
We have a database of highly qualified and trusted tradespeople who we instruct to carry out any emergency repairs. Miles will assist with any maintenance required prior to commencement of the tenancy with your authorisation. Renters can log and monitor maintenance requests via the PropertyMe Portal for approval (with the exception of emergency repairs after hours).
Rental arrears
We will monitor the payments daily and keep you informed of progress. We will contact the renter if payment is not received by due date and make a plan for payment.
Additional services
We have the facilities to pay council or water rates, insurance premiums and owner’s corporation fees on your behalf if required.