Winners Announcement!
Thank you to all who entered! We received over 100 amazing entries making it very tough to judge. Congratulations to the below winners!
Major Prizes – Large Faber Castell Arts & Crafts Packs
1. Winner: Ages 5 and under - Adelaide D. 5yo
2. Winner: Ages 9 and under - Natalia C. 9yo
3. Winner: Ages 10 and over - Abby H. 11yo
Runners up – Faber Castell Arts & Craft Packs
1. Winners: Ages 5 and under - Sam V. 5yo
2. Winners: Ages 9 and under - Ziba 9yo
3. Winners: Ages 10 and over - Zara w. 10yo
Merit Prizes - 14 x Faber Castell Creative Art Series Packs
- Callan H. 5yo
- Grace 3yo
- Charlotte 5yo
- Harriet 3yo
- Dylan T. 9yo
- Audrey 7yo
- Michaela J. 9yo
- Jasmin D. 7yo
- Edith 7yo
- Will 6yo
- Ella P. 11yo
- Lucy 11yo
- Flynn 11yo
- Howie 7yo
Spooktober is well and truly underway at Miles and the Upper Halloween Road trick or treat Spooktacular in Ivanhoe event is on the horizon too!
We are excited to announce that we are again running the popular COLOUR + WIN kids Halloween themed colouring Competition
PRIZES – Loads of exciting art and craft prizes on offer thanks to our generous sponsors Absolute MBA Office National and Faber Castell.
Entering is easy, simply collect a colouring sheet from either our Ivanhoe or Rosanna Office or download and print a colouring sheet here.
Then get out your most special textas, pencils, crayons and unleash your creativity for your chance to Colour + Win. Deliver your completed entry to either of our offices by Tuesday 29th October to be in the running
Competition End Date - Tuesday 29th October, 2024 at 2pm.
Competition Winners Announced - Thursday 31st October, 2024. Winners will be announced via the Miles Real Estate website, Facebook and Instagram pages.
Competition Prizes Collection - Prizes will be available for collection from Thursday 31st October, 2024.
Prizes must be collected from Miles Real Estate Ivanhoe Office before Friday 25th of November, 2024. Prizes will not be posted to prize winners.
Important Notes - Complete the entrants details on the sheet, including the age of the child that has entered and a parent or guardian contact phone number. Only one entry per child can be submitted.
Judges - Front of house Reception + Administration staff Team and our Director, Stewart Oldmeadow.
Thank you to our competition partners, Absolute MBA Office National and Faber Castell.